
Classic self help books TRIVIA QUIZ

By Paul Schaumburg posted 07-17-2017 08:50


You’ll Figure It Out on Your Own: Classic Self-Help Books

After centuries of family, friends, and perhaps the clergy to offer advice, psychological counseling emerged around the dawn of the 20th century. About one-third of the way into that century, books urging individuals to read them as a starting point to self-help became popular … and still are. See which of these self-help books and their authors you know.

  1. Who in 1936 wrote what some call the original self-help book per se, “How to Win Friends and Influence People?”


  1. Who, in the midst of the Great Depression in 1937 published the still-popular book “Think and Grow Rich?”


  1. What 1952 book is the Rev. Norman Vincent Peale best known for writing?


  1. This 1957 Ayn Rand book has found an entirely new audience in the past few years as conservative politicians and radio talk show hosts have embraced it.


  1. Which 1978 book did M. Scott Peck write that has become a classic and whose title is similar to that of a Robert Frost poem?


  1. Who in 1989 wrote “The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People?”


  1. Who in 1991 wrote the book “Awaken the Giant Within?”


  1. What 1992 book about differences in approach to life based on gender is John Gray’s best-known book?


  1. In 1995, Dan Goleman wrote a book in which he said intelligence related to “people skills” can matter more than the traditional and logic-based Intelligence Quotient or IQ. What two words does his term “EI” represent?


  1. TV psychologist Dr. Phil, in 1999, wrote “Life Strategies: Doing What Works, Doing What Matters.” What’s Dr. Phil’s last name?



Answers of the Week





  • Dale Carnegie 2. Napoleon Hill 3. “The Power of Positive Thinking” 4. “Atlas Shrugged” 5. “The Road Less Travelled” 6. Stephen Covey 7. Anthony Robbins 8. “Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus” 9. Emotional Intelligence 10. McGraw)