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Be Legendary: Lesson #6 learned from Michael Jordan

By Brian Lile posted 03-01-2019 14:21


Lesson #6:  Work Before Glory

The best leaders are humble and don’t really care about the glory.  It’s all about the work you produce.  Your hard work will not go unnoticed.  Pride yourself in your work, rather than yourself.  Take pride in those who work with you.  Praise them before praising yourself.  I believe that if you have to constantly tell others how great you are, then you are probably the only one who thinks you are great.  NBA great, David Robinson, once said, “Players who seek their own glory at the sacrifice of the team’s glory drive the team away from success.  The goal is not our own glory.”  Don’t chase glory.  Don’t chase greatness.  Work hard and let success find you.  The work you do will live on forever.  You make a difference every day!  As Jon Petz shares in his book, Significance in Simple Moments,

“You have touched many people’s lives and don’t realize it.  That’s the truth.  That person who needed your smile, hug, recognition, helping hand, encouragement, words of advice, guidance or love, was impacted by you.  We don’t always see the end result of our interactions, but that doesn’t change the fact of what happened.” 

Legends are products of their work.  Make your work legendary!  Make your school/district legendary!  Be legendary!